
How to Register Sponsored Review

. 4/15/2009

Becoming a star.
Whether to become a star in our work, we must have talent and ability is greater than that possessed by colleagues and our competitors?

Fortunately not. To be a star that bright, popular, which is required, the preferred by the environment, one only needs to know some basic guidance brilliance of a star formation, and apply in daily work activities.

Quality of a star is brightness rays.

That makes clear, prominent members of business organizations and others who also try to attract the attention surrounding the rays have any on them. To get the attention of both of our environment, especially their attention to the effect that the quality of our career and business, which does not become a regular.

That is not normal does not mean that should be new in the world, but that is not normal that is always a new environment for us, that does not always attract the usual attention.
He uses the common ways people will be the average. Therefore, how to Avoid the common people used find ways, that is not normal. That will make you separated them from the ordinary.
After terindex have a blog and search engine (search engine) we can register to our blog sites paid to review, one site sponsored review.

The steps are as follows:

Step 1: Click here to go to the site SponsoredReview.com
Step 2: After entering the "Create Account", fill in data such as the steps below.
Step 3: The "Account Type": Click on "Blogger" in the up-down menu.
Step 4: "First Name": Type your first name.
Step 5: "Last Name": Type your last name. If your name is only one word, simply repeat the first name you type. If your name consists of 3 words, type the name of your back.
Step 6: "Email Address": Type your email address (eg yourname@yahoo.com).
Step 7: "Company Name": Clear only.
Step 8: "Telephone Number": Type a phone number or your HP.
Step 9: "Password": Type the password you want to sign up for this program. It's up to you, try the easy to remember.
Step 10: Re-enter Password ": Type your password again.
Step 11: Click the small box on the sentence "I have read and agree to SponsoredReviews User Agreement."
Step 12: Click the "Next" button.

Step 13: After entering the "Enter Your Contact and Payment Information", fill in data such as the steps below.
Step 14: "Paypal Email": SponsoredReviews because you pay through Paypal, please type the ID or Paypal your Paypal email.
Step 15: "Address": Type your complete address.
Step 16: "Address 2": Clear your complete address if you have enough in the "Address" before. If not, type in this field.
Step 17: "City": Type the name of the city address.
Step 18: "State / Province: Type the name of the province where you live.
Step 19: "ZIP / Postal Code: Type the number postal code of your address.
Step 20: "Country": Click the up-down and click on "Indonesia".
Step 21: Click the "Finish". Verification email has been sent to your email address.
Step 22: Check email inbox that you have to register and click the verification link SponsoredReviews.

You have been registered as affiliate SponsoredReviews.

The next step that you must do in order to install SponsoredReviews.com affiliate badge on your blog is as follows.

Step 1: Login to the site SponsoredReviews.com using the email address and password that you have created.
Step 2: After you log in to your account page, click the "Affiliate Program" gray on the top right of the dashboard site SponsoredReviews.com.
Step 3: After entering the "SponsoredReviews Affiliate Program", click the text link "Click Here to generate code to put on your sites" blue on the left of the page.
Step 4: After entering the "Site Link Codes", do the steps below.
Step 5: In the "Select Page Which You Wish To Create Codes Link To", click on "Homepage" or "Sign Up Page". Tips from me, choose the "Sign Up Page" so that candidates do not confuse your referral at the time you want to register.
Step 6: Select the design of the badge you like and copy the code (note: your Affiliate ID is automatically in the code, so do not worry). Tips from me, try to select the design of the badge in accordance with the design theme of your blog.
Step 7: Paste the code that you copy to your blog. Tips from me, try to plug in the top or above the Fold your blog so that visitors do not need a hard-hard-scroll down to find the badge you (unless you do not intend seeking referral).
Step 8: Refresh your blog.
Step 9: Done.

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