
Steps to maximize revenue from the paid to review

. 4/30/2009
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Here are some steps to maximize the revenue from paid reviews.
For a new start business or akan Paid Review (Paid to Review / PTR), you are encouraged to join:

This blog receive in Indonesian language. But for reviewnya still only receive a review in English and several other languages that have been disupport. Blogvertise also receive a blog with a PR that is still low. But the better if you at least PR 3 or above. paid each month each post. Eg you create a review date of January 1, it will be paid on 1 February. Price review rate of $ 5-10 per review. If your PR is still low, should disetting price reviewnya derived, eg, minimum $ 2. For the PR 3 or above, you can get a job with the review taking Grab Bag Task.

I think that this is okay, especially for those who are beginners. Blog with lower PR can only be registered. When you register a blog, sponsoredreview will provide an assessment to your blog. There are a few of the parameters used. Technorati links, Alexa, Real Rank, and all akan akan ketemu diakumulasikan total how you rank. The higher we rank, the higher the pay review we will be. Tipsnya, do a low-bid cost only, especially for those who are beginners. Even though your blog such as minimal ditarif $ 25 but I have bid $ 10 even $ 5 just received, make a small first, later when i swing, please look larger prey.

This is more difficult at the above Blogvertise. There are minimum requirements PageRank. If no one PR3. There are also minimum Alexa Rank (not more than 1,000,000). But if already received, work reviewnya middling easy. Not seketat payperpost or Smorty will I explain further. You can copy and paste the advertiser's site. During the minimum words (200 words) and link meth, review most likely will pass. Price per review also depends on PR. Average of $ 5-10. Can be more if your minimum PR 4. You can change the category your blog each week, try the category you do (business, blog, technology). If you blog in Indonesia, never list your blog with the English language in the blog settings because your blog will be deleted.
That have been advanced

SponsoredReview although recommended for beginners, but it's okay for the already advanced. The reason is, because Sponsoredreview akan give a high price for a blog with good PR and has been reviewnya satisfy the advertiser or the advertiser.

If you have a blog with high PR, can bid more frequently. Because PR advetiser into consideration in Smorty. In addition, the support team work rather slowly. We need to spend a nunggu-day review whether we accepted or rejected. The oke, the same as Sponsoredreview, paid every two weeks sent.

This is highly recommended for those already advanced. Although there is still a bid review with the price $ 5, but not infrequently with a bid rate of $ 20, $ 25, $ 35. Even for those who already have a candidate and review the high PR blog, the price per-review can be high up. Interestingly, review the bids can be spelled out in the PPP stable.

Sponsorereview stability matters to review the bids. But for the tariff review, PPP remained the most okay. However, for your money that can be quickly, PPP pay review of one month of each review, as Blogvertise. For those who want to join, blog is the minimum age 3 months, and have content in English, and will be assessed manually, if the content is original and does not violate the PPP policy. One more, each review in the PPP should diselingi at least one post is not for posting a review (PTR). So you work a bit extra.

Tips for all the PTR
Often you log in to your account for some Play with the bid to provide a shorter time limit. Write a review on demand, eg if you have to install video, install the image, put the Anchor Text (the name or title link), do so only on demand, not at himself.

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Paid review should be the English language

. 4/21/2009
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Personal quality.
Be grateful that a time has been allowed to live as a self in the good, the build quality and value through the use of himself for others.

How do we establish such a time with the continued study and learning. With the consideration that the English have levels-levels, just to understand, to understand the sentence, this is absolute must if you have paid akan ikut review. Be difficult if you do not understand at all, and I think, if you are surfing in the internet world, at least you can be passive in English. Word sign up, sign in, submit, remove, delete, cancel, common words that we often encountered when surfing the internet.

Levels, the minimum requirement is that you understand the English language is passive. No need to understand the exact meaning of a sentence, but about the meaning.

Both levels, master the English language is passive, is also a little bit even though writing can still sususan gramatical random-adut.
Third level, the English language both passive also active, in this case to write well.
What if the mastery of English at the new first? This need hours of special skills, ie, to alter. with minmal you understand, you can copy-paste revew from the site of origin, can be from its company profile (about us, for example) or by taking the products description. A more creative, you can google searching on the site that you will review, among other well mungkn already have a review. You can pick out a small portion there, pick out a small portion here. But once again, at least you understand the sentence per sentence, even though the meaning is still think.
Benefits of the English language if you very good, you can reply if there is a complain. Complain or sometimes even serng sent via email, either that there is a link that you have not post, the spelling is wrong, or even post a review that was suddenly lost. If there is complain, and you can provide clarification, some paid reviews like payperpost, linworth, sponsoredreviews, akan blogvertise give a good response.
For those of you who are still difficulties in writing English, you can participate in paid reviews that allow you to write a review in the Indonesian language.
The main, outside the control of the English language that is passive (while improved while longer), that is not less important is the day you fly in the blog. Yes you can at least create a blog, so you can have the alexa ranking and Google PR so that the high pay that you will get bigger.
(Source: Usaha Online.net)

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What is required to participate in paid bloggers to review.

. 4/18/2009
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Life is a game. Life is a game that is very serious. And like all games, this life has rules and regulations and its own rules, who are not always clear for those who are berkutat there, but the writing and be able to clear for those who try to understand. Just like life, there are rules in the main blog that we need to follow.

The main reason I need to participate in paid reviews is to get revenue from the internet, and paid to review relatively more tractable than the other internet business opportunities. Paid to review can be done by including a beginner who is still new to the blog.

Following the preparation and the things that needed to get the revenue from paid review:
Have a blog. No need to buy hosting or domain for your own blog that you will be paid on the review list. You can create a free blog at blogspot, or other free blog provider. Do not create a paid to blog for review at the word press, because if akan Suspended discovered your blog.

Recommended a course in blogspot, and can be easily installed Adsense or other ad for additional income. Wait until indexed in search engines. Fill in only your blog regularly, try every day. If your target is a paid review in English (recommended), then fill the post with the English language. Copas from other sites oke (unless registered for payperpost, smorty). Not need much, but routine. Later, when the post can be considered spam your blog. Fill it with 1.2 or 3 posts a day. In approximately one week akan your blog indexed in search engines.
That is, content of your blog will list in the search engines such as Google, which some visitors find your blog from your blog search engine. Is it indexed already enough? No, you need to get your blog Page Rank (there does not ask the page rank, but most have minimum requirements page rank) that is described in points the next.

SEO and Page Rank.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a technique to maximize our blog on search engines. Page Rank is the ranking given by Google to memeringkatkan our blog. Why need SEO and Page Rank? Almost all review condition Paid blog have already registered ranknya page. Even have a minimum page rank, eg, 3 or even 4. Memeroleh Page Rank for this, not in two hours a day. Now more, page rank update is faster, 3 monthly. Oke, diligent, industrious only to post, and exchange links with other bloggers to add a backlink to your blog, I hope when Google PR update, your blog PR is a high prize. SEO can be done to the road.

Submit your blog to the paid review sites. After a blog, is indexed in search engines, have already ranknya page, you can register it right to paid sites review. If counted from the beginning until you create a blog can be registered with the site paid to review, approximately 3 months. Beginners are encouraged to join in or Sponsored Reviews Blogvertise.

Wait a review of management. Blog will be reviewed by your team supportnya: What will be rejected or accepted. There is no quicker to wait until a few days. There can be directly due to the machine (not reviewed manually), such as in Reviewme. Once your blog is received, means work can begin.

Review the bids. There are a dihandle by the manager, eg smorty or we can make a bid or offer, such as in sponsored review or buyblogreviews (less I like to this, work is slow, do not bid reviewnya).

Write a Review. This is not a mandatory requirement, but should at least understand English are passive. To review the Sponsored Reviews earlier copas are safe. But if for the long term, it's safe search, create your own review, even with the language of grammaticalnya still there here. If you lay in English, means I need to learn first, I need many, many. Minimal mudeng see if any posts in the English language, and Reviews in English.
(Source: Business Online.net, Mario Teguh)

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How to Register Sponsored Review

. 4/15/2009
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Becoming a star.
Whether to become a star in our work, we must have talent and ability is greater than that possessed by colleagues and our competitors?

Fortunately not. To be a star that bright, popular, which is required, the preferred by the environment, one only needs to know some basic guidance brilliance of a star formation, and apply in daily work activities.

Quality of a star is brightness rays.

That makes clear, prominent members of business organizations and others who also try to attract the attention surrounding the rays have any on them. To get the attention of both of our environment, especially their attention to the effect that the quality of our career and business, which does not become a regular.

That is not normal does not mean that should be new in the world, but that is not normal that is always a new environment for us, that does not always attract the usual attention.
He uses the common ways people will be the average. Therefore, how to Avoid the common people used find ways, that is not normal. That will make you separated them from the ordinary.
After terindex have a blog and search engine (search engine) we can register to our blog sites paid to review, one site sponsored review.

The steps are as follows:

Step 1: Click here to go to the site SponsoredReview.com
Step 2: After entering the "Create Account", fill in data such as the steps below.
Step 3: The "Account Type": Click on "Blogger" in the up-down menu.
Step 4: "First Name": Type your first name.
Step 5: "Last Name": Type your last name. If your name is only one word, simply repeat the first name you type. If your name consists of 3 words, type the name of your back.
Step 6: "Email Address": Type your email address (eg yourname@yahoo.com).
Step 7: "Company Name": Clear only.
Step 8: "Telephone Number": Type a phone number or your HP.
Step 9: "Password": Type the password you want to sign up for this program. It's up to you, try the easy to remember.
Step 10: Re-enter Password ": Type your password again.
Step 11: Click the small box on the sentence "I have read and agree to SponsoredReviews User Agreement."
Step 12: Click the "Next" button.

Step 13: After entering the "Enter Your Contact and Payment Information", fill in data such as the steps below.
Step 14: "Paypal Email": SponsoredReviews because you pay through Paypal, please type the ID or Paypal your Paypal email.
Step 15: "Address": Type your complete address.
Step 16: "Address 2": Clear your complete address if you have enough in the "Address" before. If not, type in this field.
Step 17: "City": Type the name of the city address.
Step 18: "State / Province: Type the name of the province where you live.
Step 19: "ZIP / Postal Code: Type the number postal code of your address.
Step 20: "Country": Click the up-down and click on "Indonesia".
Step 21: Click the "Finish". Verification email has been sent to your email address.
Step 22: Check email inbox that you have to register and click the verification link SponsoredReviews.

You have been registered as affiliate SponsoredReviews.

The next step that you must do in order to install SponsoredReviews.com affiliate badge on your blog is as follows.

Step 1: Login to the site SponsoredReviews.com using the email address and password that you have created.
Step 2: After you log in to your account page, click the "Affiliate Program" gray on the top right of the dashboard site SponsoredReviews.com.
Step 3: After entering the "SponsoredReviews Affiliate Program", click the text link "Click Here to generate code to put on your sites" blue on the left of the page.
Step 4: After entering the "Site Link Codes", do the steps below.
Step 5: In the "Select Page Which You Wish To Create Codes Link To", click on "Homepage" or "Sign Up Page". Tips from me, choose the "Sign Up Page" so that candidates do not confuse your referral at the time you want to register.
Step 6: Select the design of the badge you like and copy the code (note: your Affiliate ID is automatically in the code, so do not worry). Tips from me, try to select the design of the badge in accordance with the design theme of your blog.
Step 7: Paste the code that you copy to your blog. Tips from me, try to plug in the top or above the Fold your blog so that visitors do not need a hard-hard-scroll down to find the badge you (unless you do not intend seeking referral).
Step 8: Refresh your blog.
Step 9: Done.

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Paid review

. 4/12/2009
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Life is a reality show.
Mario teguh in a firm / a motivator marketing never say: Life is a reality that not one person among us will also work out with it still, and there will be no more opportunity to improve it later after the finish.

Then fill the living with this to potential success, now and as soon as possible. Enjoy this life, and enjoy themselves with this allows achieving the highest quality and that we can achieve, the value of the best service that we can give to as many people as possible, and enjoy the process with all the balance beatify.

Be a personal presence in reality this is a blessing for those who meet and know through your blog / website internet.
Blog to paid to the way paid to review, sponsored review, or other similar istilan, is simply that the media and advertiser publiher. Advertiser is they who have the interests of their products, blogger or publisher of that site managers have the space to advertise their products and the advertiser, of course, also want to get additional revenue.
How it works simple, blogger post a review as requested advertiser, usually have a minimum number of words, links that are required along with the anchor textnya, if any pictures or video. When registering your blog, will also be assessed page rank (PR), the ranking of sites on alexa, and others.

Now, Paid to review become an alternative to advertising for the advertiser. Indeed, the advertiser paid advertising in the review average is still small in scale. But at least the future will be much Dilirik considering a simple system and is more targeted than the model if the Pay Per Click (PPC) such as Adsense, Adbrite, Bidvertiser and other PPC.
The most benefit from this with a paid review, is the blogger. With this review of the paid bloggers can earn money from reviewing the site / product with a simple way of working than if the program the opportunity make money from the internet the other. Advertise on the other hand, of course, also benefit because they can advertise with a budget that is relatively more affordable rather than advertising with the other online media.
Ideally indeed, make a review on the publisher's advertiser products, providing a view on the products offered are comparable. But kenyatannya, the advertiser is prompted by a positive review or supports pitched the product advertised. Wajarlah Yes, the name is like cooking a bad side? However, there is also the publisher for giving keleluasaab to make a review according to personal views, such as some in payperpost advertiser.
On the other hand, going to the advertiser is not a problem must provide a balanced view or feel terbebani because didekte by advertiser, but the desire to pursue the results of more use to review the more, so that the results of a review just copy and paste from the site of origin . For the advertiser, such as in reviewme, linkworth, from experience there is usually not complain. But if want ngomong professionalism, certainly violate the rules already.
Matter of copy and paste, also not entirely wrong publisher. Some advertiser is also not looking for a serious review, but to find the backlink. So, just as I do. No need feel guilty, if we as the publisher did not violate the rules.

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